Current Sternen-News #184 CAPRICORN available

12 pages A4 / PDF




The demise of the alphas

- Winter Solstice 2017: the beginning of the end of the old world
- The great 500-year-rhythm of the worlds
- The relationship between Renaissance and digital revolution
- The striking demarcation between epochs – then and now
- Clear rules, new laws, the great order
- Does the Pluto return of the USA in 2022 lead to national bankruptcy?
- Donald Trump: Is 2020 the end of his time in office?
- From cycling to teleportation
- From text message to telepathy
- The transcendence of space and time
- The dissolution of the boundaries of the ego - or the hardening?
- Reconciliation through self-responsibility
- Encrusted ways in which people think versus new technologies
- Astrological details from 18 December 2017 to 21 January 2018

Astrological charts:
United States of America (Cancer), Donald Trump (Gemini), Princess Diana (Cancer), Meghan Markle (Leo)

Happy reading!


23 Dec 2017